Tuesday, April 16, 2013

My Rating System

NOTE: Check my Political/Current Events blog for something on the bombing in Boston.

This is how my rating system of a movie's play's or book's quality works, as of now. This is not precise. I may change it and there may be some fluctuation but this is how I generally see it. Some movies I may be forced to put within a general area, especially those between 3 and 4 stars. For example, one movie I may be forced to say "somewhere between a 3 1/2 and a 4".

5 Star: Best of the Best. Above great. Examples include Casablanca, Dark Knight, The Exorcist, Toy Story Trilogy. Note: This does not mean "perfect". All movies have flaws and the best of the best are no exception.
4 Stars: Great. Highly worth watching. Examples include Iron Man, Avengers, Batman Begins,
3 Stars: Ok. Average. Good enough. Worth watching. For movies its probably a rental unless otherwise stated. Examples include Thors, Iron Man 2.
2 Stars: Not good, but usually still be enjoyable as long as you shut off your brain. Dumb fun. Example would be Transformers.
1 Star: Terrible. Near total crap w/ maybe one or two bright spots.
0-1/2 Star: Makes you ashamed to be a member of the human race.

Some half-stars.
3 1/2: Above average. Recommended for theaters. Examples include Dark Knight Rises, Lincoln,
2 1/2 Stars: Below Average. Not as bad as a two-star.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy Easter

Hope you all had a Happy Easter!

Now, here are Judy Garland and Fred Astaire!