Saturday, June 9, 2012

Farewell Ray Bradbury.

Farewell Ray Bradbury.

I did enjoy being assigned your stories in school. They were a wonderful distraction from the usual dreary and depressing stories we were typically assigned.

Your prose was poetic and your tales enlightened and entertained, warning against the dangers of excessive censorship in society and of the dangers of dreams.

So, goodbye Ray Bradbury!

Others have also paid tribute to him:
Here is Orson Scott Card, author of Ender's Game, writing for National Review Online
"He took seemingly ordinary language and made music with it."

Here are what others have said:

“He was my muse for the better part of my sci-fi career. He lives on through his legion of fans. In the world of science fiction and fantasy and imagination he is immortal.” -Steven Spielberg

"Creative imaginative visionary. A dreamer, like so many of the best science fiction authors. Ray Bradbury (1920-2012), R I P" -Neil Degrasse Tyson on twitter

"Ray Bradbury, may flocks of Angels guide thee to thy rest! #oneofthegreats" -LeVar Burton on twitter

Kip Russel wrote the following as a comment in the tribute to you: 


Somewhere in America, a boy tap-dances a on a tuned segment of discarded wooden sidewalk, calling his friends to run over the hills by moonlight...
Out on the Veldt, the animals pause for a moment, as though something unseen had passed through their midst...
Somewhere on Mars, a new silver fire is burning to welcome him...
By the river, a Book stops it's recitation for the day, to remember a fine man who wrote such fine, fine things.
Thanks be, for Ray Bradbury, who taught me that there could be poetry in prose.

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